Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Self Defense Tips For Women

Perhaps the title is controversial: Why focus on women? Is not the theme of self-defense means, men and children also means women? For my part, have chosen to focus on women because they are usually the weaker party in the equation of the attack on self, while (in theory) the duty of men and women to defend for the child because the child regardless of its strength, it remains the weaker party in most cases of assault on the self.
In this case, may be trained to avoid dangerous situations more meaningful, despite the fact that training in martial arts is to build a body and mind and personality.
Many women who do not Iern any attention to their physical and, unfortunately, the proportion of these women are great in our society, and becomes exercise just (Fashion) in most cases, Koleilat are from the sport became a lifestyle, but they, however, the assets of us, and their numbers are increasing.
But both been engaged women some exercise, or not engaged, and both are exposed to losing the battle for self-defense in the event of an aggressive stance aimed at property, but the same, with some preference to those accustomed to the practice of some exercises, and both soon will become the in a weak position for several reasons, mainly to the lack experience in the face of violence for several reasons.
Some of the reasons for this lack of experience due to the lack of a culture of self-defense in general, and this trend takes an even more acute when it comes to women. But the worst thing is the unwillingness of women to learn these things so that no community will consider it as masculine, and thus reduced chances of marriage that the commonly reported as being trained for any type of martial arts, which is believed to patriarchal society that it affects her femininity, this community where it is supposed that the duty to defend women falls on men and men only.
Other reasons less significant, but remain influential: Few number of clubs that have opened special courses for women compounding the suffering of women who want to learn something from the defense techniques for oneself, and most of these clubs are training martial arts Olympic; any of those games- is less efficient  in real situations.
karate  is practiced in most clubs is a combination of movements coordinated review, and some strength training, flexibility, and at best allows for some individual touch during the fighting, but bloody docking is strictly prohibited in this type of karate.
What judo is not allowed to player only constipation discount clothes and rhythm to the ground with the implementation of techniques rhythm so as to reduce the prospects hurt the opponent, and is not permitted at all constipation discount skin or areas of weak, and not allowed to strike, etc., are also imposed Judo docking before the fighting, thus it is very difficult for non-veteran player that put his opponent’s more powerful and more weight than the ground in real fighting only after it has reached a high degree of professionalism.
This is for Oriental Art, but what about the Western art?
Wrestling Kjawdo, boxing a little better than karate, and may have been boxing the most feasible, but the least suitable for women because of extreme suffering that may be caused by the same course of training, as it focuses on the individual combat and long-term fists only, but what about the fighting in the status of docking? Both of the two games are not suitable for women because they are designed for a man not only physically, but psychologically!
This provided a statement aimed at two things:
First: fighting games (or martial arts Olympic that the true name) is not appropriate to the circumstances of battle, they focus on the purpose sports: winning within the rules of the game, rather than on the basic objective of the art of combat, namely: abstraction opponent of strength in any circumstances.
Second: the inappropriateness of most of the Arts of ordinary women, which may have identified the the need to learn martial arts after reaching the age is no longer capable of jumping, punching and kicking, let alone on the implementation of strength training and flexibility required by this (fighting games).
And therefore do not need to acquire ordinary women that have not previously exercised and any sports in the past, or are cut off from the practice long ago and became a mother or have changed the nature of life with age, the skills of effective and practical self-defense.
There are many schools that offer those who wish to appropriate them in the real world that offers a range of defensive techniques that belong to several arts classical or novel, which focuses on what is effective and applicable in the circumstances of inequality (ie, in most situations that occur in the real world), But there are few clubs that adopt the courses in this area, we do not believe that the reason is the lack of cadres, as it is lack of demand at the local level, and hence the lack of economic feasibility of these courses.
Thus, there is no need to be carried by all the NGOs of competence to promote a culture of self-defense, and the adoption of such courses which were aimed at first is to preserve the lives of women of society.
In response, prior to the allegations that the responsibility of Defence is the first responsibility of a man, we remind the owners of incidents where the man was not there to defend either his absence … or for failing to respond to the cries for help.

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