Wednesday, September 1, 2010

extreme street fighting tips

extreme street fighting tips

How you can overcome your opponent quickly and with minimal losses?
Bring the lowest possible number of strikes at the appropriate time in the right place, it is best to strike one just does not change to a region vital and sensitive so as to suffer paralysis or coma discount or – discount really enthusiastic – Death .. The most important thing here is not to lose the ability to focus, so that they remain in control of your temper until the end. It really strikes the appropriate in such circumstances:
- Kick the front foot, knee directly to the area between the thighs (reproductive system).
- Strike with fists to the temple directly (which strike could lead to the killers).
- A powerful punch straight to the nose (which can lead to bleeding at least, to break the nose in most cases, but its impact may extend to the injured opponent a concussion in the brain, depriving consciousness).
- A punch to the neck (the strike there scattered the full rebate and possibly shot down the ground, and if they had a strong kill him).
- A strong blow with a sword broken hand to the neck or throat.
- Chop two fingers to the eyes (if performed tightly injury may lead to blindness).
- A powerful direct blow to the mouth of the diaphragm or the stomach (with a fist or attached).
- A strong kick or a blow to the knee to the facility or ribs.
- Mind blow fingers to any position in the head.
In some cases, the use of certain weapons can be a simple string keys, and key is crammed between two fingers and punches this way .. Try Stbhrk results!
Can also use a belt pants in the strikes really harsh .. The best way to use a belt wrapped around the hand grip and leave the area does not exceed 50 cm from the belt end Bhalith or solid part of it. The one strong blow on the head in this way will be sufficient Lcj his head and probably kill him.
How to face more of a discount at the same time?
The best advice when facing several opponents are: Try not engaged in this confrontation! Overcoming more than discount the work that needs to be a difficult one to reach an advanced stage in martial arts so that they can develop a coherent battle plan, and implement, in the short period of time may not exceed one moment! Is doubly difficult when it comes to three opponents and more .. Try to avoid such a confrontation as much as possible, because your opponents will not be honest in most cases, and often Sihajmk someone from behind or from Ebagtk sudden strike where they least expect, and perhaps Itank a knife in your back and running away. This is of course if you can stand for a period of time, will not break you at the same time to do refer you to (dumpling)!
In general; there is important advice that can be directed to those circumstances led to such a confrontation:
- If you knew certainly surrounded by a group of individuals want to hit you; do not wait for their attack on you, but you attacked them without waiting or delay .. This will be dispersing their attention and Erbg the element of surprise and makes the lead in your hand.
- Do not rush in random beatings, but tried to put the plan initially included combat by your control of the situation through strikes and carefully studied.
- Do not focus your attack on a particular person in the case of the group, but place the number in the account and start fighting on the basis that you are facing such and such liabilities.
- It is better to blow one Chtetep each and every one of them at the beginning and saved your effort to strike at heart.

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