Sunday, December 26, 2010

Choose Your Knives for Delf Defense

Laws concerning carrying knives for self-defense are often more lax than those concerning carrying handguns. For this reason, many people who want a weapon for self-defense opt to carry knives. Knives are useful tools, another reason for wanting to have one handy

Select a folding knife if you want something small that can be tucked into a pocket or purse. Choose a high-quality knife with a thumb hole that will allow you to open the knife with one hand.

Choose a boot knife if you want quicker access to your knife. The boot knife is a fixed blade weapon that is concealed in a sheath inside your boot and can be pulled out quickly, ready to use without having to open it first.

Get a hands-free knife if you want to keep both hands free for doing other things, such as holding a flashlight, or punching or grabbing onto your opponent. A hands-free knife is worn over the fingers much like brass knuckles. It's also flat, making it easy to conceal anywhere on your body.

Put a keychain knife on your keychain if you tend to carry your keys in your hand, especially if you've been taught to have your keys ready before you get to your chair. The keychain knife can be held in your fist with the blade extending between your first and middle fingers.

Wear a hunting or survival knife in a sheath at your waist or against your back if you're going into a wilderness area where you may also need your knife to cut tree branches, dig holes or clean fish. A knife that has survival items such as compasses, fishing line and matches in the handle is best.
Tips & Warnings

Practice finding and opening your folding knife until you can get it open and ready to use smoothly and quickly. Practice retrieving other knives until you're sure you will be able to do this quickly in a self-defense situation.
Before arming yourself with a knife, find a self-defense instructor that can teach you how to use it properly.
A knife is a weapon and subject to laws about what and when you can carry them. Remember that using a knife, even in self-defense, can result in criminal charges against you, and you must consider this possibility before using your knife. For instance, you might choose to use your knife if your life is in danger, but not to avoid giving up your wallet.

Folding knives can be used for self-defense

Folding knives can be used for self-defense, but this should be only as a last resort. Whenever possible, avoid confrontation. Also be sure that your folding knife is legal. Different places have different limits on the length and kinds of folding knives you can carry. Self-defense with folding knives should be simple and direct. This is the most effective way to escape a confrontation. Self-defense techniques should be practiced so that movements are an automatic reflex.

Difficulty: Challenging

Things You'll Need:
Folding knife
Determine whether you need your folding knife for self-defense. If you pull out your weapon first you may be the one arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. The same could happen if you have an opportunity to run away but do not take it. Only use a folding knife for self-defense if you have no other option. If you are trapped and an attacker pulls out a weapon first, you are justified in defending yourself.
Unfold your knife. It takes a few seconds to pull out a folding knife and open it. Do this before you are being attacked, or you may not get a chance.
Hold your folding knife with a Filipino grip. This is the way to hold a knife preferred by fighters who know what they are doing. Grip the handle of the folding knife firmly with the last three fingers of your dominant hand. Wrap your index finger loosely around the handle and point your thumb toward the blade. This grip keeps the base of the knife firmly in your palm while allowing you great freedom of motion.
Stand in a knife-fighting ready stance. This is somewhat different than a ready stance for unarmed combat. Your knife hand should be forward but tight to the body so it can't be knocked away from you. Your other arm should be perpendicular to the ground, guarding your body with the hand by your chin. The foot under the knife should be forward while your other foot is one step back. Your feet should be shoulder width apart.
Warn the attacker in a loud voice that you are armed and prepared to defend yourself if necessary. This is an essential legal step before you can use potentially lethal force. Urge the attacker to walk away so that no one gets hurt. Try to attract the attention of witnesses who can confirm that you tried to avoid the fight.
Slide in a 45-degree angle toward the attacker. Do this toward your knife-hand side. This makes you harder to hit and exposes your attacker to your counterattack.
Block with your free hand. Grab the attacker's arm on the side where you are sliding. It does not matter whether the attacker has his weapon in this hand or the other. If the weapon is in this hand you are shielding yourself from it. If it is on the other side you are moving away from it.
Strike the attacker's torso beneath the arm you are blocking. This can be a slash or a jab. Be aware that a jab will cause more damage but must be done below the ribs or it will bounce off. Since the object is to stun the attacker so you can get away and not kill him, a slash is preferable.
Run away. The moment you can get away from a knife fight you should try to escape.